Paper Presentation/Publication
Presented the paper entitled "Analysis and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy images using light weight models" in International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Technologies (Aerospace, Automobile, AI&ml, Biomedical, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Petrochemical and Construction - 3DP) 17-18 October, 2024.
Deep learning based binary classification of diabetic retinopathy images using transfer learning approach in Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders Volume 23, pages 2289–2314, (2024).
Paper Published on "Recent Development and Application in Deep Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Image Classification" Vol. 2 No. 07 (2024): IRJAEM Vol.02 Issue 07- [July 2024]
Early Detection Technique of Diabetic Retinopathy - Survey Analysis published in Journal of Information and Computional Science April 2022 Volume 12 ,Issue 4 Journal of Information and Computatational Science April 2022
Presented paper on “Review paper on White space technology and utility in TV Spectrum” in National Conference on Technological Developments in Electronics Engineering - Macro to Nano World, Technically co-sponsored by SERB, DST, MHRD, New Delhi, Gurgaon, 2015.
“A Survey Of LABVIEW Based Teaching And Learning Tool ”in an International conference on Advanced Research Applications in Engineering and Technology, Shaastrath 2014
Applications in Engineering and Technology, Shaastrath 2014 on 23 and 24 March 14
“Comparative Analysis of VANET Routing Protocols using VANET RBC &IEEE 802.11p” IJERA ISSN :2248-9622,Volume, issue 4
Paper published on ‘Analysis of xDSL technologies” in ‘International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering [IJECSE] ’ in Volume2,Number 3 ,Nov 13.
“New Epoch of Wireless Communication: Light Fidelity” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering [IJIRCC] Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2013.
Paper published on ‘Haptics: Technology Based on Touch” in ‘International Research Engineering Journal of Scientific & Technology (IJSRET) Journal’ in Volume 2 Issue 8 November 2013.
Paper published on “New Epoch of Wireless Communication: Light Fidelity” in ‘International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering[IJIRCC]’ in Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2013