Dr. Parveen Kumar
Professor in CSE
A position where my experience aids in organizational excellence and the opportunities provided leads to avenue for continued professional and personal growth. I like to work in group where there is a co-operation and regular give and take of knowledge.
Ph.D : P.hD in CSE from CMJ University, Meghalaya in 2012
Topic of Thesis: Study on AI and Expert System
MPhil : M.Phil in CSE CDLU, Sirsa in 2007-2008 (1st Division)
M.Tech : M.Tech in CSE from Rajasthan Vidyapeeth (Deemed) University in 2003-05
MCA : Kurukshetra University, in 2000-2003
B. Sc : Kurukshetra University, in 1997-2000

Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon
joined on 5 -08-2024 - till now
BITS Engg. College, Bhiwani
17-12-2015 to 2-08-2024
Associate Professor
BITS Engg. College to 17-12-2015.
Joined BITS Group on 17.08.2006 as Sr. Lecturer
Lecturer in MCA Dept.
DAV College, Faridabad
Dec.2004 to Aug. 2006
One Year Industrial Experience as a
Software Testing Engineer
Research Guidance
Guided 29 students in M.Tech.(Computer Science & Engineering) in BITS engineering College Bhiwani.