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Open Book.
  1. Sandeep Raj, Javed Miya,“Various Segmentation Methods/Techniques for Medical Images and the Role of IoT”,Book chapter in Elsevier - "Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical and Modern Healthcare Informatics". (Indexed in SCI)

  2. Sandeep Raj, Nanda Saroj Kumar, Miya Javed, “Two-Layer Security: A Blend of Improved Cryptographyand Steganography Techniques”, Published in the “Industrial Engineering Journal”, ISSN: 0970-2555,Volume: 5, March: 2023, pp668-678.(UGC Care-I)

  3. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Classification of Routing Protocols Used for Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs)”, Published in the “International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (IJFGCN)”,November 2020, ISSN: 2233-7857I, pp:1848-1859.(ESCI, Scopus).

  4. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra “Cooperative Rendezvous Optimization Routing Protocol for FANET”,Published in the“International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology” (IJAST), September 2020, ISSN: 2005-4238, pp: 13801-13806.(Scopus Index).

  5. Raj Kumar Bhagat, Anil Yadav, Yogendra Kr., Sandeep Raj, and Rahul Boadh, “Study of Fuzzy and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Based Techniques to Diagnose Heart Disease”,Published in “Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results”,Volume 13,Special Issue 5,2022. (ESCI, Scopus).

  6. Arjun Singh, ArunPratap, PushpaChoudary, Sandeep Raj, “Facial Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network”, Published in the“2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)”,05 June 2021,pp:486-490. (IEEE Explorer, Scopus Index).

  7. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Bottomless Taxonomy of Cooperative Designfor Flying Ad Hoc Network”, Published in the “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-4, April 2020, pp: 578-583. (Scopus Index).

  8. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Cooperative Optimization Algorithm Based on Desert Sparrow for FANETs”,Published andpresented in the“3rdInternational Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2020)”,Organized by: Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi,doi:10.2139/ssrn.3565250. pp:1-6. (Elsevier SSRN series).

  9. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Task Allocation in Cooperative Framework of Flying Ad Hoc Networks”,Published in the“International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)”,June 2020. ISSN: 2349-5138, E-ISSN 2348-1269, vol-7, issue-2, pp:455-461. (UGC Care Journal).

  10. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs): A Review of Mobility Models”, Published in the“International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (JETIR)”,ISSN 2349-5162, Vol.7, issue 10, pp: 2700-2705.(UGC Care Journal).

  11. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “FANETs: Current Trends and Challenges”Published in the “2nd International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control” ,18-19 Oct 2019, at G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management Greater Noida, ISBN No.978-1-7281-1793-5.(IEEEExplore, Scopus Index).

  12. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Study of Wireless Sensors Architecture used in Time Synchronization Domain”,Published in the Global Sci-Tech in Al-Falah journal, July-September 2019,doi.10.5958/2455-7110.2019.00017. X.

  13. Sandeep Raj, V.K. Panchal, Rajiv Chopra, “Improved Binary Image by using Euclidean DistanceTransformation”,Published in the “International Conference on Reliability Infocom Technology and Optimization (ICRITO)”,Organized by Lingaya’s University, Faridabad during Nov 1-3, 2010.

  14. Ranjit Kumar, and Sandeep Raj, “Credit Card Transaction Fraud Detection Method Based on Support Vector Machine”,Published in the “International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering &   Technology (IJPRET)” ,November 2012,ISSN: 2319-507X.

  15. Ranjit Kumar, and Sandeep Raj, “Security Enhancement of Web Database Using the Technique ofNegative Database”,Published in the “International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering & Technology (IJPRET)”, ISSN:2319-507X.

  16. Ranjit Kumar, and Sandeep Raj, “Design & Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Based on HiddenMarkov Model (HMM)”,Published in the “International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering & Technology (IJEIT)” , Vol 2, Issue 3, and September 2012.

  17. Ranjit Kumar, and Sandeep Raj, “A Study on User’s Attitude towards Social Networking Sites in India”,Published in the“International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering & Technology (IJPRET)”,June 2015, pp.65-81Volume 3 (10),ISSN: 2319-507X.

  18. Communicated Papers/Under Review

  19. Title “Fault Tolerance Algorithms in Mobile Adhoc Networks” Name of Journal: “Computer Communications” Manuscript Number: COMCOM-D-24-01634

  20. Title “Prediction and Analysis of Apple Diseases Using a Convolutional Neural Network” Name of Journal: “Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence” Manuscript Number: EAAI-24-1964

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