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  • Title of Paper - Stochastic Analysis Of Systems With Accident And inspection . Name of the Journal - Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, l0(2),81-88(2005)

  • Title of Paper - Profit Analysis Of Systems With Accident During Inspection And Possibility Of Multiple Post - Repair Inspection . Name of the Journal - Pure & Applied Mathematika Sciences.

  • Title of Paper - Profit Analysis Of Standby Systems With Accident During Inspection And Single Post - Repair Inspection . Name of the Journal - Journal of Indian Society of Statistics & O.R

  • (4) Title of Paper - An Analysis of loss of revenue due to worker injury during post repair insPection. Name of the Joumal - Global Sci-Tech,5 (2) April-June 2013; pp. l-8

  • Title of Paper - Comparative Study of Clustering Based Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Name of the Joumal - Intemational Joumal of Recent Technology and Engg. ISSN : 2277-3878 , Volume -2 Issue-3 , July 2013.

  • Title of Paper - Study and Literature Survey ofAdvanced Encryption Algorithm for Wireless Application Name of the Joumal - Intemational Joumal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) ISSN: 23194378, Volume2, Issue-6, April 2014 3. 4. IInd 6. Ist 67.7Y. - t99t

  • Title of Paper - Two Unit Standby System with Two Types of Accident and Single Post - Repair Inspection. Conference - National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering & Technology, March 26s- 28th,2oo5 in Mallout

  • Title of Paper - Analysis of one -unit system with Two Types of Accident and single Post - Repair Inspection. Conference - National Conference on Information Technology: Setting Trends In Modem Era, March 18ft- 2ottt,2oo6 in N.C.C.C. Israna ianipat.

  • Title of Paper - Analysis of two unit standby system with accident and multiple post repair inspection

  • Title of Paper - Profit analysis of one unit system with accident and single post repair inspection Conference - National Conference on Information Technology and Operation Research Applications, Dec. 8ft- 9th ,2007 at GSBA Greater Noida.

  • Title ofPaper - Profit analysis of one unit system with accident and multiple post repair inspection Conference - National Conference on Information Technology and Operation Research Applications, Dec. 8th - 9n ,2007 at GSBA Greater Noida.

  • Title of Paper - Comparative study of two systems with two multitlpes of accident and single post repair inspection Conference - National Conference on Information Technology and Operation Research Applications, Dec. 8ft- 96 , 2007 at GSBA Greater Noida.

  • Title of Paper - Comparative study of systems with accident and single post repair inspection Conference - National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering Research & Practices. Jan. 306 - 3ltr' , 2010 at NCCE Panipat.

  • Title of Paper - Comparative study of systems with different types of accident and single post repair inspection Conference - National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering Research & Practices. Jan. 30th- 3lth ,2010 at NCCE Panipat.

  • Title of Paper - Comparative study of systems with different t)?es of accident and multiple post repair inspection Conference - National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering Research & Practices. Jan. 30th- 3lth ,2ol} at NCCE Panipat.

  • (Title of Paper - Comparative study of systems with accident and multiple post repair inspection. Conference - National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering Research & Practices. Jan. 30fr - 3fh ,2OlO at NCCE Panipat.

  • Title of Paper - Reliability analysis of two unit standby system with accident and single post repair inspection Conference - National Conference on Information Technology and Operation Research Applications, Dec. 86 9'h , 2007 at GSBA Greater Noida.

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