Paper Presented in Conferences
"Denial of Service (DOS): Adaptive approach and Strategies" The Unified International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial AI (UNIfied-2024) Organized by MNIT Jaipur, India in collaboration with Western Norway University of Applied Science, Norway from November 26-28, 2024.
Packet Scheduling Using Back Propagation Neural Network” International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering (TECHNOVATION 2022)
"Interface Management in HWNs Environment- A Survey" IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation 2018 "ICCCA 2018"
“Analysis of network selection using fuzzy and neural network” International conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET23), 28 May, 2023.
International Conference (ESTEEM 2014) "Performance Study of the Fiber Bragg Grating Versus Fuzzy Logic” at PranNath Parnami University Hissar
International Conference (ICCNIT 2014) Computer Network and Information Technology”Self Organizing Network” at NITTTR, Chandigarh
International Conference “Evaluation of Material Dispersion using fuzzy logic” Manav Institute of Technology, Hissar
National Conference(RACET '11) “Optical System Design Using Artificial Intelligence” at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana Punjab
“Recent development in E & C(National Conference) “Performance analysis of optical modulator using fuzzy logic” at Alwar Rajsthan