Research Publications
Yudhveer Kumar Verma, ""Utilization of Recycled Glass and Steel in Sustainable Construction Material – A Review" in Trends in Mechanical Engineering & Technology: (2231-1793). UGC Listed (Nov, 2024).
Yudhveer Kumar Verma, "Innovation and Possibility of Various Coating Materials with Microwave Hybrid Heating." In Journal of Micro Manufacturing Processing, Sage Publication. Scopus Indexed (Oct, 2024).
Yudhveer Kumar Verma, "Microwave Processing of Materials: A Sustainable Manufacturing Approach." In Green Manufacturing and Materials Processing Methods, pp. 19-32. July 2024, CRC Press. Scopus Indexed.
Yudhveer Kumar Verma, Dr. Ajay Singh, Prof. Ashish Verma, "Study and Analysis of Capillary Tube and Thermostatic Expansion valve in Domestic Refrigerator using Eco friendly Refrigerant : A Review", International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6 Issue 1, pp. 480-487, January-February 2019.
Yudhveer Kumar Verma, Ajay Singh, Ashish Verma, "Experimental Analysis of Capillary Tube and Thermostatic Expansion Valve in Domestic Refrigerator Using Eco-Friendly Refrigerant",World Academics Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol.7, Issue.1, pp.18-24, March 2020.
Presented the paper on “3D Printing Technology in Several Education Framework” at National conference on Integration of STEAM in School Education February 26-28, 2021 organized by Regional Institute of Education NCERT Bhopal.
Gurusharan kaur, Namrata Tripathi, Yudhveer Kumar Verma “A Functional Study of the Role of Vedic Mathematics in Improve the Speed of Essential Numerical Calculation” International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development- Volume 4 Issue 3, pp.187-194, May- June 2021.
Namrata Tripathi, Yudhveer Kumar Verma, Gurusharan kaur, “Applying Simulation Technique of Vapor-Compression” International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering. Vol.7 No.4 pp. 2010-2015, May- June 2021.
Namrata Tripathi, Gurusharan kaur, Yudhveer Kumar Verma, “Essentials and Applications of 3D Printers used in Mathematical Technique” International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering. Vol.8 No.1 pp. 2075-2084, Jul- Aug 2021.