Assistant Professor
M. Tech. (CSE) : Amity University, Maharashtra in 2008
B.E. (Mechanical) : Govt. Engineering College Modasa, (Guj) in 2004

Asst. Professor
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon
March, 2024 to Present
Asst. Professor
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Asst. Professor
Dr. D Y Patil College of Engineering, University of Pune, Maharashtra
Asst. Professor
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon
Awards & Achievements
Conducted workshop AutoDesk Fusuion360 as a mentor (ICT Academy) on 18 Nov 2024 hosted by DCE, Gurugram.
Established Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Club for academic year of 2024-2025 registration number is SAEICCNIS021
Participated in the Regional Workshop on Transforming and Empowering Libraries, LIS Professionals and Users: Emerging Trends organised by DELNET in DCE Gurugram on august 24, 2024.
Certificate of Appreciation - Reviewed papers of the 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering, ICNTE-2023 organized by Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi in association with IEEE and IAS on January 20 -21, 2023.
Certificate of Participation - International Automotive CAE Conference ROAD TO VIRTUAL WORLD (RVW) held at crown plaza, Gurgaon on 12th Oct, 2023.
Attended a two days conference on 21st to 22nd November 2023 on "Vehicle Dynamics and ADAS " 3rd Edition by motion control 2023 in collaboration with SAE
Participated in Advances in Heat Transfer & Material Processing conducted at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai from 20 to 24 June, 2022.
Certificate of Participation - for attending five day online short term training program during feb 23 to 27 feb, 2021 entitled "Impact on Manufacturing Techniques using Industry 4.0 Post COVID 19" organized by Department of ME, Parul Institute of Technology Gujarat.
Successfully completed certificate course in Advance Manufacturing Process Analysis by University of Buffalo and State university of New York through coursera.
Successfully completed the course on SCILAB under FOSS..
Awarded Elite+ Silver for successfully completing the course on” Principles of Metal Forming Technology” in NPTEL online courses.
Awarded the certificate of appreciation as mentor for the NPTEL online certification course on “Manufacturing System I and II”.
Successfully guided 24 groups of final-year students for BE final year projects.