Industrial Training/Workshop

Attended WIPRO Database expert solution workshop. dec 2024
Attended a 15-day workshop on Networking and cyber security by ICT Academy. (June 2024)
STC on “IOT & Data Analysis of Sensors Data” organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh from 8-12 January, 2024.
Four weeks training in C, MS Office Package and HTML @ RIMT, Mandi Gobindgarh.
Block Chain using JAVA- MVN University.
Six weeks training in Oracle-JSP – Thapar University, Patiala.
Six months training in Oracle (DBA) – SQL Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chandigarh.
Participation certificate for Oracle 10g Administration Workshop at Chandigarh.
Conducted and Attended seminar on “Cloud Computing” organized by IIHT.
Conducted and Attended two days workshop on “Ethical Hacking” organized by IIT Bombay.
Attended one day workshop on “Mobility with Virtual Machines and Allied Software” by IBM.
Attended one day National Workshop on “Patents & IPR” organized by PTU Jalandhar.
Attended five days FDP on “Research and Methodology & SPSS” organized by ISTE at SVIET, Banur.
Attended five days FDP on “Pattern Recognition & Image Processing using Evolutionary by Soft Computing”, organized by TEQIP at DTU, New Delhi.
Attended one day FDP’s on “Cloud Computing & Security” by TCS.
Attended one-day National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Data Analytics” by GIBS.
Attended five days Short term program on “In-country Program on Instructional Design & Delivery Systems”, organized by Colombo Plan Staff College, Philippines at NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Attended five days Online Workshop on “Artificial and Neural Network”, sponsored by NITTTR in collaboration with MHRD and ICT at Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram.
Attended five days FDP at DTU, New Delhi on “Smart Grid and IOT Applications in IT”.
Conducted and Attended one-day National Workshop on “Cyber Security” at SGT University.
Attended one-day National Conference on “Block chain” at New Delhi by CSIR. • Attended one day workshop on “CISCO Networking” at SGT University.