List of Publications

Book Chapter Published in "Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation; Principles, Technologies and Applications" (Elsevier)
Book Chapter: Application of AI and GenAI in Digital Healthcare Ecosystem. -
Book Chapter Published in "Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation; Principles, Technologies and Applications" (Elsevier)
Book Chapter: Pioneering 6G Architectures for the future of Healthcare System. -
Book Chapter Published in Book; CBF-2025: AI-Powered Cybersecurity for Banking and Finance, Chapter Title; Navigating Cyber Threats: Integration of AI in Banking Security Frameworks;I SBN: TBD by Taylor & Francis - DOI: 10.1201/TBD by Taylor & Francis.
Paper accepted in International Conference on Technology Advances for Green solutions and sustainable development" in hybrid mode in NSIT university, Odisha
Paper Entitled, "A Survey of Security Challenges and Solution in Cloud Computing Environments" in Journal of Applied Optics; ISSN:1002-2082; International Conference 2024 (8th March 2024). [Scopus]
SDN Enabled Role Based Shared Secret Scheme for Virtual Machine Security in Cloud Environment in Elsevier Journal (Scopus Indexed) (May 2024)
Decision on submission to Cyber Security and Applications Manuscript Number : CSA-D-23-00064R1 | SDN Enabled Role Based Shared Secret Scheme for Virtual Machine Security in Cloud Environment
Ashima Mehta , S.N. Panda (2019) “CloudReports Tool to implement IaaS framework with location based authentication in Cloud” in International Conference on Communication and Computing Systems by CRC Press – Taylor & Francis.
Ashima Mehta, S.N. Panda, (2018) “Design of Infrastructure as a
Service (IAAS) Framework with Report Generation Mechanism”,
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, pp. 942-946.
Ashima Mehta, S.N. Panda, (2016) “Comparative Study of Cloud Simulators and Authentication Techniques in Cloud Computing”, Journal of Today’s Ideas- Tomorrow’s Technologies, Vol.4, No.2, pp 152-160.
Ashima Mehta, S.N. Panda “Implementation of IaaS framework with location based authentication” communicated in Intelligent Decision Technologies.
Ashima Mehta, Anuj K. Gupta, "Retrospection and Comparison of DSDV and AOMDV Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks using ns-2", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), KIET, Ghaziabad, 7-8 Feb 2014, pp. 330 – 334.
Survey on secure routing in Manet’s in Global Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technologies.
Ashima Mehta, Anuj K. Gupta, "Enhancing AOMDV routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks", Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics & Engineering Sciences - 2014, Chitkara University, Baddi, 20-22 March 2014, pp. 251 - 254.
Ashima Mehta, Anuj K. Gupta, "Network Security in collaboration with SQL Injection attack", Student Symposium ICTT-2013, A CSI Chapter event, Chitkara University, Punjab, 12 Nov 2013