
STC on “IOT & Data Analysis of Sensors Data”
Attended NPTEL workshop conducted on Jan 20, 2018 by IIT Madras atDronacharya college of Engineering, Gurgaon( HR).
Participated in Online AICTE Recognized FDP on Cloud Computing from 12/4/2021 to 16/4/2021 conducted by Department of CSE NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Paper presented on "Enhancing AOMDV routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks", Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics & Engineering Sciences - 2014, Chitkara University, Baddi, 20-22 March 2014, pp. 251 - 254.
Paper presented on"Network Security in collaboration with SQL Injection attack", Student Symposium ICTT-2013, A CSI Chapter event, Chitkara University, Punjab, 12 Nov 2013.
Attended workshops in innovative flash animation organized by IEEE student chapter at Punjab Technical University in 2015.
Volunteered International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON) held at CIET Rajpura in 2013