Research Publications

ScopusJournalPublication“EffectiveCyberSecurityUsingIOTtoPreventE-threats and Hacking During Covid-19” in IJEER with ISSN 2347470x and DOI 10.37391/IJEER100210VOL10,ISSUE2,PAGES111-116.2022.
Paper published in The Journal of Oriental Research Madras: An International Research Journal (The UGC CARE Approved ,Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal) on the title “A STUDY OF FINGERKNUCKLE FEATURES USING TEXTURE ANALYSIS”in volume no.13 NO.47 year 2021.
Paper published in OUR HERITAGE Journal (The UGC CARE Approved ,International Indexed and Referred Journal) on the title “A STUDY OF BIOMETRIC SYSTEMOF FINGERKNUCKLE PRINT WITH IRIS” in vol-68-ISSUE-69-JANUARY 2020.
Served as a SESSION CHAIR in 2nd International conference on “ ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL,COMPUTING COMMUNICATION & SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY (AECCST-2022)ON dated 27th & 28th May, 2022.
Paper published on “Review on Artificial Intelligence Application and its Benefits” in International conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems(ICCIS-2022).
AttendedfiveDaysNationalConferenceonCreatingFuturePathofScientificDevelopment in 75th Year of Independence organized byNational Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR Chandigarh) in collaboration with VIGYAN PARISHAD PANCHNAD, PUNJAB,from 18/04/2022 to 22/04/2022.
Book Published
Web Development Published by Dhanpat Rai &Company,Delhi India, for B.Tech.5th Semester CSE.
Rapid Application Development Published by Dhanpat Rai & Company,Delhi India,for B.Tech. 5th Semester I.T