
ParticipatedandCompletedFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“NewFrontiersinArchitecture , engineeringand construction”organizedfrom 21/02/2022to 25/02/2022atThiagarajar College of Engineering.
AttendedFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“ApplicationofRemoteSensingandGIS” organized from 10/02/2022 to 14/02/2022 at Deenbandhu ChhotuRam University of Science and TechnologyMurthal , sonipat, Haryana.
Attended Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security : A Step towards Awareness to Cyberorganized from14/06/2021 to 18/06/2021 at Engineering College Ajmer. 4. Attended Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security Vulnerabilities& Safeguards” Empowerment of Students and Teachers through Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
organized from 17/05/2021 to 21/05/2021 atNational Institute of Technical Teachers Training andResearch (NITTTR Chandigarh).
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security : Ethical Hacking andcyber Crime ” organized from 12/007/2021 to 16/07/2021, atDepartment of Computer Sciences, University of Kashmir.
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Blockchain : A Disruptive Technology” organized from 02/07/2021 to 06/07/2021at Pandit Deendayal Energy University Gujarat.
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security” organized from 04/10/2021to08/10/2021atNationalInstituteofTechnology,Nagaland.
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Blockchain” organizedfrom 14/12/2020 to 18/12/2020 atFaculty of Engineering and Technology, Gurukul Kangari Vishawavidyalaya. Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Block chain” organized from20/12/2020 to 24/12/2020 at IndianInstituteofTechnology,Patna.
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Block chain” organized from11/01/2021to15/01/2021, atIndianInstituteofTechnology,Ropar.
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security: Vulnerabilities andsafeguards”organizedfrom17/05/2021to21/05/2021,atatNationalInstituteof TechnicalTeachersTrainingandResearch(NITTTRChandigarh).
Participated and Completed Faculty Development Program on “Blockchain” organized from 04/01/2021 to 08/01/2021, atChaitanya Bharathi InstituteofTechnology.
ParticipatedandCompletedFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“CyberSecurity:Asteptowards awareness toCyberCrime”organized from14/06/2021to 18/06/2021atEngineering College Ajmer.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis using Python “ held at NITTTRChandigarh from20/11/ 2023to24/11/2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education “ held at NITTTRChandigarh from06/11/ 2023to10/11/2023. 3.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Linux Applications in Engineering Education “ held at NITTTRChandigarh from30/10/2023to03/11/2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “CAD using SolidWorks “ held at NITTTRChandigarh from04/09/ 2023to08/09/2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Cloud Infrastructure AWS” organized by Department of CSE , JNTUK University College of Engineering Narasaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, in Collaboration with Brainovisions Solutions India Pvt Ltd and AICTE from 21st August to 25th August 2023.
One week International Faculty Development Program on “Probability and Statistics for Data Science” organized by Department of Research and Publications , A2Z EdulearningHub LLP from 1 st to 5th august 2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “RECENT TRENDSinGreenEnergy InitiativesandSoftComputingNeeds“ held at Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Technology (Autonomous) Gandipet Hyderabad from 11th july to 15th july2023.
One week ONLINE Faculty Development Program on “ Python3.4.3” spoken tutorial Project IIT Bombay from 21st july to 28th july 2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Crime and Forensic Tools “ held at NITTTR Chandigarh from 08/05/2023 to 12/05/2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Data Science Using Python“ held at NITTTRChandigarh from10/10/ 2022to14/10/2022.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Online Learning and Online Evaluation“ held at NITTTR from 20/03/2023 to 24/03/2023. 5
OneweekNational Faculty DevelopmentProgram on“Open Source Technologies“ held at NITTTR from 24/04/2023 to 28/04/2023.
One week National Faculty DevelopmentProgram on “Cyber Crime and Forensic Tools “ held at NITTTR from 08/05/2023 to 12/05/2023.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “ArtificialIntelligence inCloud computing & Blockchain” held at AIET , jaipurfrom 07/11/2022to11/11/2022.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Recent advancements in computer science and Communication Technology“ held at AIETM, Jaipur, from 13/02/2023 to 17/02/2023.
Keynote Speaker on International Webinar on “Global Initiatives in Education and Sustainability in Practice” by IIU Global conference InitiativesOneweekNationalFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“ADVANCETRENDSOFCOMPUTER ANDELECTRONICS “ held atAIETM, JaipurfromNovember 22-26,2021.
One weekONLINENationalFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“EFFECTIVETEACHING“ heldatSBCET, Jaipurfrom December20-24,2021.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “MACHINE LEARNING AND COMPUTERVISION“held atRKGITGHAZIABADfromApril 04-09,2022.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “MATLAB FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS“heldatNITTTRfrom30/05/2022to 03/06/2022.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “Latest Wireless and CommunicationTechnologies” from 25/04/2022 to 29/04/2022.
One week National Faculty Development Program on “SECURE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENTTHROUGH ICT “ held at NITTTR CHANDIGARH from 14/03/2022 to 18/03/2022
AttendedNationalwebinaron“ResearchinDigitalAge:Problemsand Opportunities”on 07,May,2022atBharatiVidyapeethInstituteofComputer applications andManagement,(BVICAM),New Delhi.
2. AttendedNationalwebinaron“Copyrights:What,WhyandHow(LiveVodcast)” on 30th,April,2022 at Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Computer applications and Management, (BVICAM), New Delhi.
3. Attended National webinar on “e-Science& e-Research :PracticesandPotentialsfor Science& Research in Digital Age” on 14th,May,2022 at Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Computer applications andManagement, (BVICAM),New Delhi.
4. Attended National webinar on “Zero Unemployment :through Employability Enhancement of the Youth –Live in Conversation” on 21st,May,2022 at Bharati VidyapeethInstituteofComputerapplicationsandManagement,(BVICAM),NewDelhi.
5. AttendedNationalwebinaron“ArtificialIntelligence(AI)andMedia”on 28th,May,2022 atBharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Computer applications andManagement, (BVICAM), New Delhi. ResearchPublication:JournalandConferences
Successfully Completed one Week Short Term Training Programme from 28th Feb. 2005 to04march 2005 at National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training And Research Sponsoredby AICTEandISTE,inassociationwithMinistryofHumanResourceDevelopment,Govt.of India,Basedon theme “ARTIFICIALENGINEERING”.
PaperPresentedintwoDaysNationalConferenceunderthetitle“ASurveyonVehicular Ad-hoc Networks” organized by Department of Computer science& Engineering,Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar.
PaperPresentedintwoDaysNationalConferenceunderthetitle“VehicularAd-hoc Network (VANET)- Challenges, Privacy , and security”organized by Departmentof Computerscience & Engineering,Guru JambheshwarUniversity, Hisar.
PaperPresentedintwoDaysNationalConferenceunderthetitle“AnalysisofBGP Variance Detection and Robustness algorithms”organized by Department of Computer science&ApplicationsatDAVCollegeForGirls,Yamunnagarsponsoredby Higher education Commissioner, Panchkula.
PaperPresentedintwoDaysNationalConferenceunderthetitle“AdvancedSecurity conceptsforVehicularAd-hocNetworks(VANETs)”organizedby Department of Computerscience&Applications at DAV College ForGirls ,Yamunnagarsponsoredby Higher education Commissioner, Panchkula.
PaperPresentedintwoDaysNationalConferenceunderthetitle“ClusteringTechniques for Data Mining ”organized by Department of Computer science& Applications at DAV CollegeForGirls,YamunnagarsponsoredbyHighereducationCommissioner,Panchkula.
PaperpresentedentitledFuzzySetinBusinessProcess Management as Reference in National Conferenceon“Emerging Technologies& Advancement in Computing” organizedby Deptt.of CSE& ITofApeejayCollegeofEngineering,Sohna.
Participated one Day Workshop conducted on“Data Mining Using SPSS Clementine”,at Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology,Hisar”on6thFeb2009,organizedunder“TEQIP,WorldBankProject”i.e under services to community Activity of Technical Community Education Quality Improvement Programme.
Participate one Day Symposium-cum-Workshop conducted on“NANOTECHNOLOGY”on dated 27th feb 2010,at DAV INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING& TECHNOLOGY, (DAVIET), organizedbyNANOTECHNOLOGYRESEARCHCENTRE,(DAVIET), JALANDHAR.
ParticipatedoneDayWorkshopconductedon“RecentTrendsinMathematics&Computing ”on dated 7 13th march 2010,at “The Technological Institute of Textile& Sciences, Bhiwani , organizedbyDEPARTMENTOFCOMPUTERENGINEERING&INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYinjointassociationwithDEPARTMENTOFMATHEMATICS.
ParticipatedoneDayworkshopon“VIRTUALLABS”atBhartiSchool,IITDelhi,Hauz Khas, Delhi 110016
ParticipatedinTwoDaysTechnicalFacultyDevelopmentWorkshop“EnablingtheGURU”heldon 30th&31st January 2008,organizedby L&TInfotech.
Participated inAICTEsponsored National seminar based on “Emerging Technologies in The FieldofElectronics,Telecommunications&ControlSystems”heldatCITMFARIDABAD on 31st march 2007.
Participated in National Seminar on “Latest Mathematical Tools& their application in Engineering& Technology”organized by Department of Applied Science& Humanities at Gurgaon Institute Of Technology & Management,Gurgaonon datedMarch 12-13, 2010.
Participated in a two Days National Conference under the title“CONTEMPORARY COMPUTING”organized by Department of Computer science& Applications at DAVCollegeForGirls,YamunnagarsponsoredbyHighereducationCommissioner,Panchkula.
Participated in a two Days National Conference under the title “Advances in Computer Networks& Information Technology Networks” organized by Department of Computer science&Engineering, Guru JambheshwarUniversity, Hisar.