
Paper titled "Voice Recognisition Systems: An example of Human-Computer Interaction" presented at the 5th International Conference on Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM-2024), organized jointly by London Metropolitan University, London, UK in association with the WSG University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Europe, Portalegre Polytechnic University, Portugal, Europe, SGGW Management Institute & BPIT, GGSIPU, Delhi on 14th – 15th June 2024.
Paper titled "Comprehensive Methodology for Phishing Detection and Awareness: Unravelling the
Intricacies of Cyber Threats" presented at the 5th Doctoral Symposium of Computational Intelligence (DoSCI-2024) being organised jointly by Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, on 10th- 11th May 2024. (Elsevier) -
AI Value Alignment Problem: The Clear and Present Danger - 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), Mathura, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISCON57294.2023.10112100
Multilayer Neural Network Technique for Parsing the Natural Language Sentences International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Volume 9 • Issue 2 • July-December 2019
Chapter entitled " The Value Alignmnet Problem: Building ethically aligned machine" under publication proces