Webinars/ Workshops/ Conference Attended

STC on “IOT & Data Analysis of Sensors Data” organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh from 8-12 January, 2024.
Attended one week FDP on cybersecurity conducted by ICT Academy from 03 Jul 2023 to 07 Jul 2023 at University of Delhi.
Participated in 1 day workshop, RENDEZVOUS, on Artificial Intelligence and Machin Learning organised by IIT Delhi on October 5, 2019.
Participated in 1 day workshop, RENDEZVOUS, on Sixth Sense Robotics organised by IIT Delhi on October 4, 2019.
Participated in Joint Five Days National Workshop on Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications organised by Dayalbagh Educational Institute and sponsored by TIMCTEQIP(DEI) on April 19- 23, 2019.
Participated in UGC-SAP sponsored seminar on Advances in Nano, Bio and Neuro Sciences organised by the Dept. of Physics and Computer Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute on March 27, 2019